22 members, 1.200 entities, 100.400 workers
Educational and sociocultural leisure
Home care
Education 0-3
Social intervention with children, young people and families
Social intervention with groups at risk of social exclusion
Physical disability
Intellectual disability
Early care
Collective bargaining
Representation and advocacy
Public-social collaboration models
Legal advice
Research on the Third Social Sector
Days and activities
Democratic Governance Program
Gender Equity Program
Commissions and working groups


La Confederació

La Confederació is an employers organization that represents non-profit enterprises since 1997: associations, social initiative cooperatives, and foundations – which provide care services for people in Catalonia, Spain.

As a whole, it groups around 1,200 organizations and 100.400 professionals who, from an express non-commercial will, offer services in different areas of activity such as educational and socio-cultural leisure, home care, education 0-3, social intervention with children, young people, families and other groups in risk of social exclusion, physical disability, intellectual disability, mental health, elderly people or early care and attention for children, among others.


La Confederació has as its main objective the strengthening, promotion, representation, and defense of the non-profit sector of services for people’s care.

  • Representation and interlocution in front of public administrations and social agents.
  • Promoting collective negotiations and an own labor relations framework as a key instrument for ensuring the quality and sustainability of services developed by organizations.
  • Participation in the development of social policies, being present and encouraging spaces for participation and dialogue with public administrations and other social partners.
  • Impulse new models of public-social collaboration for the provision of people care services.
  • Defense of the Third Social Sector as a strategic ally of public administrations by guaranteeing the social rights of citizens, especially for the most vulnerable.
  • The creation of debating and reflecting spaces on the development and sustainability of the services sector for people and the new challenges it has to face.

  • Promoting spaces to share knowledge, resources, and experiences that contribute to the better development of the activities of the partners and the represented sector.

  • Promoting the continuous training of professionals working in partner organizations, in particular, and the sector in general.

C/ València, 3-B, planta -1 (local) 08015 - Barcelona